Sun 05 Jan
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL €sS~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL - 24
( ( ♥ ♥ NO SAFE WORDS!!! t _o_t _a_l c _o_n _t_r_ o_l T.S MISTRESS DYLAN w/ 10" R U TH!RSTY? ♥ ) - 22
(Philadelphia, (Mayfair area of N.E phila)safe/discrete)
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ❤️ OVER 25,000 SHEMALE / TRANNY PORN VIDEOS ❤️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ - 21
(On Your Computer, Philadelphia)
NeW PHOTos ✿T.S ciNdY ' !!! Im HOTT & oN FIRE 100% REAL ✿ with the BIG .tOoL - 22
(Philadelphia, 26th & South Street)
morning specials 60 last day▬▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ▬ {☆}▬ ~^~ SEXY & SWEET ▒real one▒ ~^~ NiCe ≡{☆}≡ - - 24
(Philadelphia, Center city/ art museum)
last day in Philadelphia check my tumblr videos 1000% real pleasure 😋🍭🍼😏😈 - 21
(Downtown Cc Race st nice hotel ;), Philadelphia)
*¨¨*- :¦:-* PRETTIEST *-: ¦ :. EXOTIC*-: ¦ : BRaZiLian *¨¨* BEAUTY.*¨- :¦* AVAILABLE NOW - 22
I HaVe ToYs ~ S_E_X_Y = B_U_E_A _T_Y_TS LaKia - THE REAL FREAK-- Available Now-Latina Freak!!!! - 23
(Philadelphia, 5th and lehigh discreet)
██✦ MoNSTROUS SheSTICK 10 FF ████ HOT██ AVAILABLE NOW █▒▒██ ✦██ ✦ HeAVY ShOOTeR▒██ -incall - - - 26
(Harrisburg, visiting harrisburgh for today and tomo)
🍭 °•== N_A_S_T_Y_ ==== °•❤•° WeBSitE 🍭 MISTRESS 🍭 AMY AMOUR 💄PaRtY NOW 💋Your V.I.P Getaway - 23
(Philadelphia, Cherry hill)
LATINA SPECIAL ONLY Today 100%Real No FAKE GIRL Full Funtionall 8.5 VERSATILLE 100% - 27
(Philadelphia, KING OFF PRUSIA CASICO area)
I'm Philly's most Dominant, Passable, Pretty, Private TS! with an AIR CONDITIONED APT. - 22
(Philadelphia, South Philly. 3rd & Reed St. (off I-95))
KING OF PRUSSIA 13 thru 16 💛🇧🇷💙 - TS SENSATION - blonde cute top BEST FOR 1* timers - 24
(Allentown, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, King OF prussia 13-14-15 -16, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Reading, York)
* L✪ ✪K *• NOT here ⇧or here ↯RIGHT" 100%,REAL SHE`male Erica COME Indulge in The EXTRAORDINARY - 22
(Philadelphia, New Castle Delaware)
👣😍😘💗🆙🍆 I'm ready to explode THE HEAVY SHOOTER 424-313-4063 don't wait let's explode together - 19
(My place or yours (PHILADELPHIA), Philadelphia)
NEW Sexy 6'5 AMAZON Molly --- 11in FF -- HUGE LOADS -- 100% Real Pix (What you see is what you get!) - 25
=J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ ___ 100% REAL ___TR - - 24
(Philadelphia, philadelphia AIRPORT)
🍥🍥🍥young🍥🍥🍥NEW ARRIVALS🍥🍥 PUT IN🍥🍥🍥JAPANESE 🍥▃🍥🍥▃🍥✿🍥▃🍥FREE SHOWER B2B🍥✿✿🍥✿✿🍥 $1 - 22
(Northeast, Philadelphia, ⤵⤵⤵northeast⤴⤴⤴incall asian hottie)
=Your= ______=NEED= _________ = _I_S_= _________ =R_I_G_H_T= ___________ =H_E_R_E_= ___ - 22
(AIRPORT $$$$ rand Opening Specials)
°♥° Yes, YOU can have YOUR ஐ Cake ஐ and Eat IT Too!! °♥° - 27
(Philadelphia, Phila/AIRPORT area/fun incall for YOU)
YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND👅💋✨ Waiting for you 💙💚💛ŦØP 💜💜 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - 21
(Philadelphia, Center city, phila airport, w/ne phila)
*~* Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T *~* - 23
(Philadelphia, Airport)
$£×××Y $ChooL TEACHER $PECIAL be my # 1 $cholar Avail NOW !!! *** #267-588-3405# CALL NOW!!! - 30
(Philadelphia, ***CITY AVE*** RIGHT OFF 76)
XXXRATED Pleasure Hailey! Only in Lower Bucks for the Weekend .. Dont miss out! - 21
*** **WICKED WEEKENDS *********** Come See About ME!! ********* ******** - 49
(Philadelphia, NorthEastPhilly)
***(( WEDNESDAY SPECIAL))*** with Ms. Porsha Love *Rican & Black mixed Super Freak! $60 $60 $60 - 20
(Philadelphia, UPPER DARBY)
Well reviewed! Beautiful Mature Educated Independant Provider 267-475-1979 - 34
(Philadelphia, NE Philadelphia)
👑🇫🇺🇳👑 White & Irish 💞💥 💞 💥🌈🌈🌈 💞 Sexy 💥 Body 💞 Hottie 💥 💥💝$$65👅👅🐬👑👑👑 - 22
(North east priv loc.☔☔, Northeast, Philadelphia)
WARNING Mia Marie Elite Companion 4 Upscale Gentlemen ☆ P☆S☆E & G☆F☆E - 38
(Center City, King of Prussia, West Chester, Atlantic, Philadelphia)
W ________ O ________ N ________ D _________ E _________ R _________ F ________ U _______ L > GFE - 21
~want to have some fun then why wait lets get together ~ it will be our secret...shhh~ - 28
(Scranton, wilkes-barre area incalls ONLY)
★★★The Gorgeous Black Queen's Sensual Erotic Body Eruptions w/ & without Prostate RUB ★ KOP ★★SS $60 - 34
(Philadelphia, 215-914-5747 King of Prussia)
SWEET ASIAN NICE GIRL ) ) ) ) ) ) ) R E A L P I C S! - 21
(Philadelphia, Out Call ☪)
temptress Terri in your mist come to me at my upscale incall ne Philadelphia. get the best not less - 26
(Philadelphia, ne philly incall all night)
T.G.I.F HeRe PlaYinG ♥ By Myself UnTil You ♥ Get HeRe - 20
(Philadelphia, ☆ Roosevelt Boulevard ☆°)
THE____________ _____- SEXIEST_ ________BRUNETT E_____________ ALIVE - 23
(Philadelphia, INCALL AND OUTCALL)
💖 S£X¥ STARR💋 #1🔝 Pick ◆★☆Super Freak☆$60spc★◆🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅ °• ♥ Addictive☆★ - 24
(Philadelphia, airport Incalls only)
=== SwEet LuCiOuS Body +++ Sexy BrAnD New ______ HoTt BruneTTe **** - 21
(King of Prussia / my place)
sWeet █☆█ FR!ENDLY █☆ █ Rare Amazing █☆█ CURVY M!X█☆█ CUT!E - Early bird SPEACIALS - 23
(Philadelphia, Newark incalls)
(Summer)💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔College Girl!!!💘💎 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔Click Here Now💘💎(Cutie) - 21
(Philadelphia, City incalls only $60)
💗Stunning beauty delivered to your doorstep!!💗 - 28
(Philadelphia, Outcalls to Philly and surrounding areas)